April 6, 2021

Sarah’s Testimony

When I first heard Raymond’s story, my heart was moved. To think someone would ‘throw away’ a precious living baby broke my heart into a million pieces. Then years later when Changing A Destiny formed officially in my own community, I wanted to get more involved.

Helping Kathy and Mandi set up the online auction service, coming up with new fundraising ideas for the future, and donating have all been satisfying, but making handmade items is the most fun. I love to knit (thank you Mom), so I started knitting baby blankets and ponchos. My mom is even getting involved with knitting prayer shawls to help with fundraising.

With my mask sewing hobby I picked up last year, I thought I would also donate cotton cloth masks for sale or to use in raffle baskets. I love going to the fabric store to see what new designs I can use.

My husband Chris and I attended the ribbon cutting and first Wine Tasting fundraiser last winter, which was a big success. I am looking forward to helping with the May Run/Walk event as well.

I hope to someday visit Africa, God willing, and meet Nicole, Raymond, Tom, and the rest of the family. It is my prayer that CAD can raise enough to buy land – the first step in their journey to changing lives of the children and families in Kilifi County.
Sarah Kosmicki